Sunday, December 20, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
The Sterling Playmakers - Community Theatre for the Entire Community
Saw Twelfth Night today - -it was great - - if you are local you all need to check it out next weekend, Fri & Sat night shows, and Sunday Matinee.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Corset Show this Weekend at Esoterica
Come out Saturday and Sunday, September 12th and 13th for Renaissance Fashions' Corset Show at Esoterica!
Friday, September 4, 2009
First Friday in Historic Leesburg, VA September 09
Current mood: adventurous
A Night on the Town - in Historic Downtown!
Have you been to a "First Friday" lately?
There is so much to see, hear, taste and do.
PLUS - It's fun, free and fabulous!
First Friday - September 4th
Live Music offered at 7 different places:
* 1757 Real Estate Company presents jazz saxophonist, Rob Matelick.
* Very Virginia/The Pink Shop presents local acoustic guitarist, Don Chapman.
* The Recovery Center of Northern Virginia presents singer/songwriter, Patty Reese.
* Creme-de-la-Creme presents violin soloist, Michael Francis Haley.
* Carlos Salon and Day Spa presents the Latin American band, Sentmiento Andino.
* Sona Bank presents the classical music quintet , Moonlit in the Sun.
* Doener Bistro presents British guitarist, Dave Pepper.
Wine tastings events offered at 5 different places:
* The Leesburg Vintner - North Gate Vineyards
* Flow Yoga - featuring wines from The Wine Kitchen
* Loudoun County Visitor's Center - Willowcroft Vineyards
* Carlos Salon and Day Spa - Casanel Vineyards
* The Pink Shop - Bluemont Vineyards
Also lots of art shows and fun entertainment:
* "Mujeres" Art Show at Gallery 222
* Student Art Show at Medlin Art Gallery
* Photography show at Photoworks
* Free Yoga practice followed by "Happy Hour" at Flow Yoga
* "Make a Difference Photography" show at the Resourceful Woman
* Open Drum Circle with Tarot card and palm readings at Esoterica
* "Green Hair" Open House (chemical free) at Lindsay's Salon
* Play with baby lambs and support Loudoun Sheep Farmers at the Very Virginia Shop
* Ellen Crosby discusses local history and her newest book at the Loudoun Museum
* Live comedy improv show at the Tally Ho!
Over 35 Specialty Shops, Art Galleries, Antique Shops & Restaurants are open until 9pm or later, many offering free refreshments and/or special sales.
Leesburg Original Towncenter
Click on the website below for detailed info about each activity,
links to the various artists and to print out this month's
"First Friday Event Schedule"
to help guide you to the activities, while strolling around downtown.
First Friday - it's FUN, FREE and FABULOUS!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Saturday 29 August 2009 in Leesburg, VA
August Events
August 29: Sidewalk Sale
Don't miss out on our late summer sales event, the semi-annual sidewalk sale. Save on thousands of items from many of stores. Participants include:
Otter Creek Collections
The Old Country Peddler
Very Virginia/The Pink Shop
Creme de la Creme
Julia's Gifts & Home Accessories
Caulkins Jewelers
Rose Manor
Four Shabby Chicks
Leesburg Antique Emporium
Other Events
Afraid of ghosts? Frightened of things that go BUMP in the night? Don't be! Esoterica proudly presents the Virginia Scientific Research Association's ghost tours of Leesburg. This two hour tour throughout downtown Leesburg brings every frightening experience you might have to life. Learn about paranormal research and see the "tools of the trade" first hand. This is a "hands-on" and very family friendly event that brings Leesburg's full ghostly history into view. Tours start every Friday and Saturday night at 9:00 in front of Esoterica, located at 25 S. King Street.
- The Lightfoot Restaurant hosts live music on their patio, every Tuesday and Friday night. Every Tuesday night, hear Todd Wright or Gary Smallwood on alternating weeks. On Fridays the musical talent varies, so you have to keep coming back to hear it all. All the time, you will enjoy fine music, fine wine, and the best food available. Music is "weather permitting."
- The Bluemont Concert series continues its Sunday Evening shows with The Lindsay Family on August 2, The Flaming Shileiaghs on August 9, the Dixie Power Trio on August 16, and concludes with The Taters on August 23. This year, the concerts are being held at Dodona Manor.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
This Weekend at Esoterica & Leesburg, VA 22-23 Aug 2009
This weekend we have Rev Bob Hickman with us all weekend, along with our other favorite regulars psychic readers - Leoni, Ron (That Guy) the Palm Reader, Lady Victoria, and Anne (tarot and reiki) and on Sunday, Rev Baird will be with us, along with Rev Hickman and our beloved Ron.
Melanie and Rev Midnight are available only through appointments - if you want a reading with them you need to call in advance so they will be here for your reading. For full details on our available psychics and when they are normally in the store - go to:
Also - Saturday night - come and learn about Trance Channelling - - Rev Bob Hickman will work with his regular spirit guides - going into a trance to connect to the spirit world to allow them to speak directly to you.
Friday, June 12, 2009
This Weekend at Esoterica & Leesburg, VA 12-14 June 2009
Current mood:
Leesburg Ghost Tour, 7 pm
Open Drum Circle, 8:30 pm
Victims of the Paranormal meeting, 8:30 pm
HENNA TATTOOS 10 am - 4:30 pm. Call the store to reserve your slot! 703-777-4642

Readers Available this weekend:
Beth the Rune Goddess
Ron (That Guy) the Palm Reader
Leoni - Tarot and Animal Communications
Anne - Reiki and Tarot
Rev. Bob Hickman - Medium/Contact with the Spirit World
Kevin Baird - Tarot and Mediumship
Melanie Eberling - Tarot and Psychometry
Ron (That Guy) the Palm Reader
Friday, March 27, 2009
April Happenings at Esoterica of Leesburg
Check out our gorgeous new line of custom-decorated wooden altar boxes! These beautiful boxes range in size and style—you’re sure to see something you just can’t go without! We also have custom-wood-burned mirrors and picture frames. New candles are on the way, new lengths and colors of Unicorn Tails, new clothing, rune sets and tarot cards coming early this month…there’s just so much nifty new stuff! It’s definitely Spring at Esoterica!!!
Upcoming Classes and Events
Leesburg First Friday!
Swing by Leesburg Friday, April 3rd for First Friday! Over 25 Specialty Shops, Art Galleries, Antique Shops and Restaurants will be open until 9 pm or later, many offering free refreshments and/or special sales. Leesburg's First Friday Gallery Walk is presented the first Friday of the month by Participating Merchants in partnership with the Loudoun Arts Council and Town of Leesburg. Visit for more information.
Reiki III
Come out Saturday, April 4th from 10 am to 3 pm to continue your journey into Healing! Reiki II practitioners will learn the final healing symbols as well as how to pass attunements. Each student is attuned to the Reiki Energy to become a Certified Reiki III Practitioner. Class includes manual and certificate upon completion. Seminar costs $385, preregistration is required.
Magickal Herb Gardening from Seed to Harvest
Join us from noon to 5 pm at Esoterica in Leesburg, VA, Saturday, April 11th, to learn how to plan, bless, plant, maintain and harvest your very own magickal garden with this fun, interactive class. Students will receive Magickal Gardening booklets as well as two magickal herbs to take home. Class costs $55. Seating is limited to 25 and students MUST preregister and prepay. We will NOT be accepting drop-ins for this class.
Corset Show!!!!!
Come out to Esoterica to check out Renaissance Fashions' beautiful, hand-made steel-boned corsets Saturday, April 18th. Bring the ladies and have fun getting fitted and perusing the gorgeous, sexy wares. Corsets of every type and style imaginable will be available! Renaissance Fashions caters to women of every size and shape, pixies to goddesses! The store opens at 10 am for this very special event!
Platform Readings
Join us Sunday, April 19th, for Platform Readings with Mediums Rev. Bob Hickman and Kevin Baird, from 1 to 3 pm. This is a 2 hour session where the Mediums will channel messages from the other side for the class participants. Please come with Open Minds and Open hearts to receive commentary from the spirit world, be they departed loved ones, guardian spirits or etheric guides. $45 for a single 2 hour session if pre-registered, $55 at the door. Seating limited to 15 people ONLY. Pre-registration is strongly recommended.
Trance Channeling with Rev. Bob Hickman
Come out Saturday, April 25th, from 7 to 8:30 pm at Esoterica in Historic Leesburg Virginia for a very special spiritual opportunity. Rev. Bob Hickman will trance channel his spirit guides, providing information and inspiration from the other side. Part of the evening will be interactive--questions from the audience for the guides are encouraged. Pre-registration is recommended-- seating is limited. Cost is $50 per person for the session.
Weekly Gatherings
Mondays: Mindfulness Meditation
Join Ron Mondays at 7:30 for Mindfulness Meditation in the Gazebo. Free and fun, this class will help you relax and become more present in your life. A donation of $5 is recommended.
Tuesdays: Hand Spinning Class
Come out for Spinning Class with Ashley Wells Tuesdays at 7 pm. Learn to create your own drop spindle, spin wool and other textiles into yarn/thread with your drop spindle, use a spinning wheel and more! Class costs $15.
Tuesdays: QiGong
Come out for QiGong Tuesdays at 7:30 pm. Qigong uses slow, sincere movements to cultivate the energy of life that exists all around us and pull it into the body to increase every aspect of health. Class costs $15.
Wednesdays: Spirit Circle
Join us at 7:30 pm on Wednesdays for a Gathering of people, regardless of sex, age, religious belief or creed, all coming together to explore their spirituality and share their experiences. A donation of $5 is suggested.
Thursdays: Witchcraft 301
Come out Thursdays from 7 to 9 pm for Witchcraft 301, the Divination level. This month’s classes:
April 2nd – Tarot Week One $30
April 9th – Open Full Moon Class & Ritual $15
April 16th – Tarot Week Two $20
April 23rd – Tarot Week Three $20
April 30th – Open Beltane Class & Ritual $15
Fridays: Paranormal Research
Do you have an investigative mind? Would you like to enter into the science of paranormal research? Do you want to understand what all the "Boo" is about? Come join us for the educational class of the century "Other Dimension 101" Lead Speaker will be Keeler, VP for VSRA, Virginia Scientific Research Association. Seminars begin at 7 pm each Friday and cost $30. Refreshments will be served.
Fridays: Victims of the Paranormal
Victims of the Paranormal would like to invite you to come, share and learn about your experiences. Do you see/hear/feel things that others around you don't? Do you affect electronics, or have constant unexplained illnesses? Group meets at 8:30 pm every Friday night.
Fridays: Open Drum Circle
From 8:30 to 10pm, only $5 to join in! All percussion instruments welcome! Extra drums may be available, but only on a first-come first-served basis.
Psychic Readings!
Ron will be available for Palm Readings, Tarot and Playing Card Readings, and Handwriting Analysis Friday through Monday.
Leoni is available for Tarot and Animal Communication Friday and Saturday.
Rev. Tom Vandeberg will be available for Tarot and Rune readings and Hypnosis on Sundays and alternating Thursdays after 5 pm.
Psychic Medium and Trance Channeler Rev. Bob Hickman will be available for readings Saturday and Sunday, April 25th and 26th.
Kevin Baird is in the first and fourth weekends of the month for Tarot readings, and when he and Rev Bob Hickman participate in the Platform Readings and Trance Channelling.
Anne Nguyen offers Reiki treatments on Saturdays in the gazebo.
Mary Kupper is available for Tarot readings Saturday and Sunday.
Esmeralda will be available for Tarot readings Saturday, April 4th.
Beth the Rune Goddess will be performing Rune Readings Saturday, April 11th.
Phone the store at 703-777-4642 to make appointments with individual readers.
Stay in Touch!!!!
Join one of our Online Communities to get regular updates about store events!
Our website: http://www.esotericaoflees
Our myspace:
On livejournal: http://community.livejourn
Our Yahoo Group: EsotericaAnnouncements-sub
Our Facebook Page:
Sunday, March 22, 2009
URGENT - Help Downtown Leesburg - Attend Town Council Mtg 24 Mar 09, 7:30 pm
Current mood:
Referenced Email:
Now is the time to make your opinion heard!
the last several weeks and months the members of the Downtown
Improvement Association who make up the Board of Directors, the Design
and Infrastructure Committee as well as the Advocacy Committee have
continued to meet and advance the DIA PLAN for infrastructure improvements in Downtown Leesburg.
has been fully engaged with reviewing, meeting with town
representatives, and commenting on this years CIP/budget process,
again, advocating for the DIA PLAN that was presented to Town Council
Now we are asking for your DIRECT participation and support-
key to advancing the improvements outlined in the DIA PLAN is to get as
many supporters as possible to attend the public hearing on the evening
of March 24th and ask that the 5 million dollars that we
estimate it will cost to implement these improvements be included in
the Capital Improvement Budget for 2010 and 2011.
we are successful the design work can be completed in fiscal 2010 with
construction completed by late 2011 / 2012. By then, we should be out
of the recession and private re-development will follow. Currently most
of the funding is not scheduled until 2015 or later.
position all along has been that we do not believe a piece-meal
approach over the next 10 years will have the desired impact.
Also, e-mailing all the members of Council with your valued opinion on this would be very helpful. (email address -
We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday the 24th at 7:30 PM to speak up for Downtown Leesburg!
Thank you-
Scott Gustavson
Downtown Improvement Association
703-777-8364 – Office
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
Two Weeks of Upcoming Activities with Links - Esoterica
Store News
New Hours for January & February
Esoterica will be closing early Mondays and Tuesdays at 7 pm till the last week of February. Mindfulness Meditation will resume on the 23rd of Feb, and Spinning and Qigong Classes will start back up on the 24th of Feb.
Brigid's Faire 2009 is here for more. Tickets for Brigid's Faire will be available for sale at the store starting THIS SATURDAY!!!!
Upcoming repeating activities;
Upcoming Events
Visit our Calendar Page for all our upcoming events. Open it in a new frame if it won't scroll for you. |
January 12th -- Mindfulness Meditation at 7:30 pm
January 13th -- Hand-Spinning Class at 7 pm
January 14th -- Spirit Circle at 7:30 pm
January 15th -- Witchcraft 201: Healing With Mandalas
January 16th -- Open Drum Circle at 8 pm
January 16th - 18th -- Psychic Readings available, see schedule of psychics below.
January 17th -- Reiki I Class, noon to 5 pm. More information to the right.
January 18th -- Open Platform Readings with Rev. Bob Hickman and Rev. Kevin Baird. More information to the right.
January 19th -- Store Closes at 7 pm
January 20th -- Store Closes at 7 pm
January 21st -- Spirit Circle at 7:30 pm
January 22nd -- Witchcraft 201: Introduction to Aromatherapy
January 23rd -25th -- Psychic Readings available, see schedule of psychics below.
January 23rd-- Open Drum Circle at 8 pm
January 24th -- Trance Channeling with Rev. Bob Hickman, 7 pm. More information to the right.
Esoterica - Store News
Store News
New Hours for January & February
Esoterica will be closing early Mondays and Tuesdays at 7 pm till the last week of February. Mindfulness Meditation will resume on the 23rd of Feb, and Spinning and Qigong Classes will start back up on the 24th of Feb.
Brigid's Faire 2009 is here for more. Tickets for Brigid's Faire will be available for sale at the store starting THIS SATURDAY!!!!
As you no doubt know by now, our economy is having a rough time of it lately. The tremors on Wall Street have definitely made themselves felt on a local level. We are doing our best to keep our head above water during this trying time, but we cannot lie to you--this is not easy. If this holiday season does not help us turn the year around, we do not know how much longer Esoterica will remain open. So, we turn to you, our wonderful customers and friends. If you value the space and services we provide and it won't break the bank, please help us make ends meet. Any donation will help, no matter how small. Anyone who donates will become one of Esoterica's Angels and will be featured on our Angels Page. Simply give us the name you'd like us to use when you donate and you'll see it up here shortly. Thank you, and Blessings on your path.
Join our mailing list and stay up-to-date on all our sales, classes and promotions! We won't give your email address out to anyone else and we won't clutter your inbox with tons of mailings!
Subscribe to EsotericaAnnouncements | |
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17 & 18 January 2009 - Esoterica Classes and Activities!
Come out Saturday, January 17th from 11 am to 4 pm to begin your journey into Healing! Students learn the basics of Reiki, an ancient art of healing, in a small class setting through a combination of lecture & hands-on experience. Class includes the history of Reiki, how to use Reiki for self-treatment & treatment of others, the Reiki hand positions, and the opportunity to give & receive a full Reiki treatment. Each student is attuned to the Reiki Energy to become a Certified Reiki I Practitioner. Class includes manual and certificate upon completion and costs $185. Click on the button below or call 703-777-4642 to preregister.
Join us Sunday, January 18th at one pm for our Monthly Platform Readings , a 2 hour session where Rev. Kevin Baird and Rev. Bob Hickman will channel messages from the other side for the class participants. Please come with Open Minds and Open hearts to receive commentary from the spirit world, be they departed loved ones, guardian spirits or etheric guides. $45 for a single 2 hour session if pre-registered, $55 at the door. Setting limited to 25 people ONLY. Pre-registration is strongly recommended. Call 703-777-4642 or purchase the session online to preregister.