Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Esoterica - 27 Sept 2008, Saturday!!!!

Last chance(s) to sign up for the Rev.Bob's Trance Channeling session this Saturday evening.

Come out Saturday, September 27th to see Bob as he trance channels his spirit guides. The gathering will begin at 8:00pm and go until 9:30pm. A break will be included in the evening. Part of the evening will be interactive. Questions from the audience for the guides will be allowed. Pre-registration is encouraged since seating is limited. Cost is $50 per person for the session. Please contact Esoterica at 703-777-4642 for registration, directions, and questions.

From the Words of Rev. Bob Hickman as he describes what he does when he Channels:


Many of you have written enquiring as to exactly what is "Channeling".

Good question! Channeling according to the American Heritage College Dictionary states-- "CHANNELING - The act or practice of serving as a medium through which a spirit guide purportedly communicates with living persons."

I like this definition, but I would expand it to include other forms of channeling such as channeling music or art...I've met many artists who say that their creations come from outside of themselves, and that they are a conduit for the Creative Force. I agree.

If you are interested in learning more about channeling, keep watching as I will soon be releasing DVDs that you can purchase of actual channeling sessions I do with my guides!!!

When I channel, I enter a trance state that allows me to step aside from my consiousness and body, and allow the guides to enter and use my body, particularly my voice box, to communicate. I assure you it is a totally painless and harmless practice. As most mediums will tell you, while in trance, they are not fully present, and therefore, don't recall most of the information that has passed through them. Thank goodness we now have video and tape recorders to capture the phenomena. In fact, I often say, I am so lucky because I get to sleep while working!

Many who have attended channeling sessions with me have come away amazed at the experience. I must admit--I too, am fascinated by it ...Though I know the technical mechanics of it, how it all exactly occurs is still in many ways a mystery to me...

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