2 - 4pm $55 prepay - - $75 at the door
BASIC NUMEROLOGY CLASS Throughout history, (or at least since Pythagoras), numbers have had meanings. Humans learned to make symbols for AMOUNTS before they made abstract symbols for THINGS. Note the early cave paintings. A drawing of a deer meant deer. But the little dots (or lines) next to the deer picture told HOW MANY deer there were! In time, numbers had significance beyond just AMOUNTS. When the later abstract symbols - letters - were created, it was associated with a number. Much of modern numerology is a matter of translating letters, (of your name, for example), back into its corresponding number - and then learning the meaning of that number. So your birth date can have a hidden meaning. Your name. Your new company's name. Your lover, your children, your pets or email name. You can very often find fascinating connections!
Beyond this Pythagorean view of the meanings beyind numbers is also an explanation of the Lo Shu Square. A simple Chinese system of arranging numbers to examine their relationships and meanings. It LOOKS like our familiar western tic tac toe chart where you place each number according to a pattern. It's a quick and simple 'reading' that you can do on the back of a business card or a restaurant paper napkin to fascinate your dinner companions.
For those who work with the Tarot, remember that each card has numbers on them. If you understand the meanings of the numbers, you greatly expand the information available from each card! It's a very useful bit of knowledge. AND, best of all, numerology is all about the SINGLE DIGIT numbers. So you only have to learn - primarily - about the numerals ONE thru NINE! NOT difficult - and fun - and fascinating! A two hour class will enable you to give a short - but fun - numerological reading for friends that they'll find entertaining and often strangely insightful!
TWO hour class on Saturday 6 December. A 50 page set of preprinted notes is included, so you don't have to diligently scribble during class! Just sit back and allow the information to soak into your mind.
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