Monday, October 27, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

Obama Rally in Leesburg, VA Wednesday 22 October 2008

You're Invited
This Wednesday, October 22nd, please join Barack Obama in Leesburg, where he will talk about his vision for creating the kind of change we need.

Change We Need Rally
with Barack Obama

Ida Lee Park
Festival Field
50 Ida Lee Drive, NW
Leesburg, VA

Wednesday, October 22nd
Gates open: 3:00 p.m.
Program Begins: 5:30 p.m.


This event is free and open to the public. Tickets are not required; however, an RSVP is strongly encouraged. Space is available on a first-come, first-served basis.

For security reasons, do not bring bags and please limit personal items. No signs or banners permitted.

If you cannot make it to this event but would still like to support Barack, you can make a donation here:

Paid for by Obama for America

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Dragon Rescue Mission

Clicky Clicky Clicky!!!

Adopt one today! Adopt one today!
Adopt one today! Adopt one today!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Now I remember why I LOVE October!

The Stock Market went up.. S&P went up... we actually had sales at the store (wheeeeeeeee) and the day was absolutely gorgeous!

So This woman is in a much better place today. Here's to hoping other things I really really want come about this week too ;->

Please clicky on the eggs and babies and help them grow!

Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Yay! A good Day in Leesburg! Gone to the Dogs!

We had Dogs, Kids and people all over the place.... and the MOST amazing thing, my youngest Lucas, who has lived in mortal terror of dogs for the past 5 years, surprized the heck out of me... I was trying to keep him in the store and away from the dogs today - telling him that 'dogs were out there and you don't like them' (mind you - he is autistic and I wasn't sure if he was understanding me when I was trying to let him know something he DIDN"T like was out there) Then we spent the next couple of hours chasing him down the street every 10 minutes or so - coz he kept on trying to go out and pet the dogs (mind you - this is the same child who UP UNTIL TODAY would turn tail at the sight of a dog, regardless of the size.) So now I can't tell if it was the sheer NUMBER of the dogs... or because I told him he couldn't go out because he WAS afraid and sheer contrariness made him go out there and prove me wrong... either way - at least for today he conquered his fear of dogs - all sorts, all sizes...

dragon update: Click to grow!

Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Continuing Dragon Saga

As before - click on each egg and dragon to help them grow up and be big strong dragons!!!

Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Dragon Egg Blog! Click eggs/dragons to help hatch and grow up

After a stressful Day of Stock Market Tower activity (I have been getting Towers right and left in readings these past two weeks - rather OBVIOUS what they are referring to right now)... Time to relax with some Dragon Love!

More Dragons for the Loving! I just couldn't help it... there were a bunch of eggs lying around and I had to get some of them!!!

Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

October wonderfulness!!

I just love the cold snap in the air!!! And I love October!!!! and despite EVERYTHING going on right now, I KNOW we are finally on the path to recovery, and that with all of us working together we can fix what is broken and turn it all around. btw - keep an eye on our website - we keep on adding things to what is happening this month at Esoterica - and it turns out that Halloween is going to be a beehive of activity - and I am hereby encouraging all folks to play hookey and come spend the bulk of the day with us celebrating, watching a parade, and celebrating some more. Leesburg will never know what it it, and it is time we made some positive things happen in a big way. There will also be ghost tours happening that night, and a spook house up at the Tally Ho theater, where they will then finish up the evening with a showing of Halloween (oh Halloween!)!!!

And More Time for Dragons! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Trains, Psychics and More Eggs

Welcome to The City of Brunswick

25th Annual

Railroad Days

This Weekend
Food, Vendors, Fun

Train Rides between Brunswick and Frederick
Saturday and Sunday
Tickets on sale RR Station

For More Information

Adopt one today!

Adopt one today!

Friday, October 3, 2008

My representative Tarot card

Your result for Which Tarot Card Represents Your Higher Self? Test...


3 0Fool, -1 1Magician, 6 2Priestess, 2 3Empress, 7 4Emperor, 2 5Hierophant, 2 6Lovers, 2 7Chariot, 8 8Strength, -1 9Hermit, -1 10WheelOfFortune, 1 11Justice, -1 12HangedMan, 0 13Death, 3 14Temperance, -1 15Devil, 0 16Tower, 1 17Star, 4 18Moon, 4 19Sun, 0 20Judgement and -1 21World!

The title of this card is often misleading because most people tend to think of strength as a property of the physical body. But this is not a card of brute force, because none of the Major Arcana apply directly to the physical body. These are cards of ideas, feeling and beliefs; trying to make a Major Arcanum depicting someone strong of body would be a pointless exercise. But strength is not always measured in terms of how much you can lift or how fast you can run. True Strength is fortitude of character, and the ability to not only control the emotions, but to rise above them, and triumph over all out lower impulses and desires.

This card continues the lesson of the Chariot, showing that once we have learned to control emotion, we must rise above it. Many people attribute the notions of forgiveness, compassion and nurturing to this card, but this is clearly not what is shown by Strength. This is a Fire card, and therefore detrimental to all the emotions. The only qualities that abound in Strength are courage and patience. Neither of these are really emotions, but ways of acting and doing that are not tempered by feeling. Courage is the antithesis of fear; patience, the control of worldly desires. There is no emotion here, just determination and action.

The symbology of the lion is common to Strength, and aptly so. The lion is the "beast within", the raging inner desire inside every one of us that must be controlled or it will be set free to manifest in the world. The image of the woman opening the mouth of the lion shows both courage and patience; she must not fear the lion, and she must wait for it to tire before she can exert her own will upon it. This is not an image of compassion in any sense of the word; how can forcing a creature to obey your will be seen as compassionate? Forgiveness and nurturing are likewise not to be seen anywhere in this image. There is just the purity of the maiden and the power of her inner beast that she is attempting to control.

She needs patience to defeat the lion because her power is not brute physical force, as mentioned. The force she has is very little, but it can be applied infinitely, and she will continue to apply light but constant pressure until the lion submits to her superior will. It does show a certain determination, and the conviction that even small results will have effects if kept up long enough, just as a constant dripping hollows a stone. So Strength is not a card of compassion and love, but a card of quiet yet unstoppable power. Such power radiates from the soul, and for a consciousness aware of this power, there can be no resistance, and no defeat.

The qualities of Strength are already in you, waiting to appear once you have mastered all your base emotions and when you are ready to move on to the spiritual tasks that lie ahead. Its main lesson is that emotions must be transcended if spiritual wisdom and intuition are to be awakened. Whispers from the intuition are often drowned out by the constant roar of emotion and preoccupation and fear. Only once you have eliminated these can the silence you need be created. So conquer your fears, control your impulses, and never lose patience with yourself or what you are doing. Eventually you will see the wisdom of letting go of your lower self.

This is not a card of love over hatred, as most would see it. This is simply mind over matter, superior will over inferior desires. No matter how strong the beast within you seems, you have the power to control it and make it submit to your will. This cannot be done with physical force or with undue haste; it is a slow and difficult process. When Strength is around, however, you can be assured that you have enough endurance to see this task through to its eventual end. If you are pushing too hard, Strength shows the need to withdraw for the moment, and be patient. Enlightenment will come only when the time is right; it cannot be rushed.

Take Which Tarot Card Represents Your Higher Self? Test at HelloQuizzy

Dragon Eggs!

Adopt one today!

This Weekend 4/5 Oct 2008 At ESOTERICA!!! Channeling Seance!!!!

Saturday Psychic Faire
Esmerelda - Oracle Cards
Leoni - Tarot and Animal Communication
Mary K. - Tarot
Ron - Palms, Tarot, Hand writing analysis
Kevin - Tarot and Channeling

A couple others may come in - the above are confirmed.

Sunday Psychics

Mary K. - Tarot
Ron - Palms, Tarot, Hand writing analysis
Kevin - Tarot and Channeling

Rev. Bob Hickman
- Channeling and Spirit Contacts

Reiki II Class - $285 - Noon til 5pm - Preregistration Recommended - if walkin -
must pay in cash

And MOST EXCITING!!! A Repeat Performance by Rev. Bob Hickman

Rev Bob Hickman as he trance channels his spirit guides. The gathering will begin at 5:30pm and go until 6:30pm. Part of the evening will be interactive. In the Trance Channeling, Bob will enter a trance state that allows his Spirit Guides to come through to use his body to directly speak to you. This type of reading is one of interaction where you communicate directly with the Spirit Guides, as Bob will be unconscious. Bob's Trance Channeling work is similar to the "great sleeping prophet", Edgar Cayce, or the more modern Medium, JZ Knight, who channels Ramtha. The guides you may meet in this event may include Fletcher (Bob's principal guide), Rose (a British lady who died during World War II), and Orion (An entity who has never incarnated but speaks from the perspective of the Other Side). Other guides may come in during the reading than those listed here as Fletcher allows. Questions from the audience for the guides will be allowed. Pre-registration is encouraged since seating is limited. Cost is $50 per person for the session. Please contact Esoterica at 703-777-4642 for registration, directions, and questions.

Esoterica, 25 S. King Street, Leesburg, VA Tele: 703-777-4642

Also for those interested - there is a Motorcycle Charity event down in front of the Biker Bar (across from the courthouse ;-> ) where there is going to be a motorcycle judging (Biker Beauty Pagaent - no humans involved) contest - and every year we get some of the MOST amazing bikes here...
Charity motorcycle show will feature all makes and models of motorcycles with judging for best bikes, most creative, etc. This event is open to the public. For more information please contact the Downtown Saloon at 703-431-1256.

come and check it out...