Friday, April 25, 2008

Reader/Class Payment instruction

Cash only for Readings - Please bring enough cash for your reading and any gratuity or time extension on the reading. Classes are also to be paid in cash. Checks made out to the instructors or readers ONLY if the readers/instructors have agreed upon this in advance. We will be taking credit card or paypal information for those making appointments in case of cancellation without a 24 hour notice. If you cancel less than 24 hours before your scheduled reading you WILL be charged for the full amount of the scheduled reading. This is a job for the people doing the readings and the classes - and when you book appointments no one else can have that time slot, and the reader loses valuable payments (especially in this time of expensive gasoline). It is only fair that if you take appointments that someone else might sign up for, and can't because you have them and you cancel at the last minute, that compensation is made. Please do your best to either make sure you CAN make the appointment you have scheduled, or cancel far enough in advance that we can schedule other's in your place. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

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